Kids Draw COVID-19 Facts Challenge Guidelines
There is alot of fear and uncertainy in a crisis like COVID-19, where people feel powerless in the face of too much information, and it seems like only scientists and government have the power to set things right.
That is not true.
An epidemic is everybody’s business, and anybody can help stop the spread of the disease, no matter the age or occupation.
Fight it by learning about it from reputable health websites, and teaching about it, so everyone can take the right precautions.
Knowledge is power against fear.
Comicsforgood is launching an international Kids Draw COVID19 Facts Challenge, to show that anyone can be an advocate for right health information, as long as they get their information from a reputable health source.
For this challenge, all the COVID19 facts drawn will have to come from either the World Health Organisation’s website, or your government’s official health website.
Artwork from Singapore and USA by Euan (14), Lucas (4) with his mom’s help, and Selina (6)
Challenge Summary
Key Goal of the challenge
Get adults and kids to refer to trusted health websites for their information on COVID-19 and set aside time to talk about the disease together.
Detailed challenge guidelines for:
Challenge Guidelines for adults
Read up about COVID-19 from the websites on this page, or from your government’s health authority’s website.
Talk to kids about some of the facts, and ask them if they would like to draw it in any language.
Create it together if the kids are too young to write properly.
Please let kids know that because this is a new virus, we are still learning about it, and the facts may change in the future. So continue to refer to the WHO website if there are new updates in the news!
1, Anonymous (assisted by mummy), English, Singapore
Challenge Guidelines for children
Read up about COVID-19 from the websites on this page, or from your government’s health authority’s website.
Ask a friendly and trustworthy adult if you are not sure what some of it means
Choose a fact you want to draw and draw it, in any language!
If you want to, you can write your first name and age on the picture, but do not write anything more.
Please remember that because this is a new virus, we are still learning about it, and the facts may change in the future. So continue to refer to the WHO website if there are new updates in the news!
Digital artwork by Ajo (13), and Ara (8), from the Philippines
Sharing your work
Option 1 - Share it in person!
Sharing in person is easy! Show your picture with your friends, classmates, or even teachers at school, and teach them the fact that you learnt.
You can even present it to your class if your teachers allow!
Option 2 - Share to Kids Draw COVID19 Facts Gallery!
You can either email your pictures to, or upload it manually at the site yourself. Please note that uploads will be reviewed by us first, so it might take awhile before it appears.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select view Gallery
Step 3: Click on the dark blue Upload Photos button
Step 4: Enter your email
Step 5: Click on the green Choose Photos button, and choose the picture. The upload will be automatic!
Step 6: You will see the image below if your picture is successfully uploaded! Feel free to click on the Add Caption to add your first name, age, language, and country, if you like. For example, you can type “Luke, 11, English, Singapore”.
Please do not type your full name!
It is automatically uploaded!
Updates to the caption will be automatically saved too, and you click on the Kids Draw COVID-19 Facts words in blue to go back to the gallery to see it!
Option 3 - Share on your own social media sites
If you are 12 and below, please understand that it is not safe for you to use or share things like your full name on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, so please ask a trusted adult to do it for you.
If you are an older kid, or adult posting for a child, please include the hashtag #kidsdrawcovid19facts and #kdc19f when you are posting on your social media accounts.
For Instagram specifically, mention @comicsforgood in your caption, so I can find and feature some of the great works on the comics for good Instagram page too!
Bonus Challenge for Schools and Organisations
Run a competition in your schools or organisation, for kids to create a drawing based on facts they read from World Health Organisation website, or your government health organisation’s website on COVID-19.
Judge the submissions by how clearly the fact is put across
Give prizes to the best submissions! :)
Email if you do run a competition, so I can feature your school on either my instagram or website!
Bonus Challenge for Teachers
Split your class into groups and have each group learn about a COVID19 fact (e.g. methods of transmission, mortality rate, seriousness of COVID19 compared to other diseases)
Each group has to present COVID19 to the rest of the class in the most creative, memorable, and clear way possible. Write a song, act it out, draw it in comics, get the class to participate in an activity! (handshaking with paint, anyone?)
Email if you have any great stories or pictures/video to share, so I can feature your school on either my instagram or website!
Remember, kids learn best when it is memorable, when they’re involved in it with all senses, when they teach others, and when it is funny and visual!
Artwork by Rebekah (17) and Luke (14), from Singapore
How this challenge can help
Have people create COVID-19 facts in their own language, to combat the spread of misinformation in vulnerable countries. Write and draw in Chinese, Korean, Italian, Persian, Japanese…etc!
Give families who are in self quarantine around the world a constructive activity to engage kids when whiling the time away. Kids get really bored under quarantine!
Create a collection of artworks by kids on COVID-19 facts, to show that even kids can do their part to help communicate an important message.
Please email if you have any questions, and I will update in this FAQ if I get more than a few. Thank you!
Q: What is the best way to share this on my social media site?
We have posted the challenge on our social media sites, and you can share the challenge posts through the links here: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram