Make a donation
Love the content you see here? Buy us a coffee for 3 USD so we can continue keeping this site up, and create more factually accurate educational comics on various social good topics!
Donation via QR code (SGD) is available to donors from Singapore.
If this is an option for you, please do so! Through Ko-fi, Paypal takes slightly more than a 3% cut from each donation.
If you would like to donate directly to us without processing fees, please drop us an email with “Donation request” in the subject line.
Our current operating costs per year are around SGD $2,000. Any extras will go to paying a part-time intern to help coordinate volunteers who create our social media content, newsletters, translations, and feature great artwork from our challenges.
We are also collecting funds to be able to pay more artists to work with subject matter experts (psychologists, scientists, economists) to create comics, artworks, and articles on COVID-19 and its spillover effects on us, at a range of about SGD $100-300 per piece, based on complexity. We hope the content here has helped you in one way or another, and let’s all try to stay strong during these difficult times!
Our Donors
500 SGD and above
100 SGD and above