All Translations

If your question is not answered here, feel free to email
Can I use the translated comics on my personal Facebook page?
Yes. We would like to be shared to communities who might find this useful as quickly as possible, so please put it on your social media, website, etc.
Would it be possible to print your infographics for [churches, schools, retirement homes, etc]?
Yes please! We encourage people to create printouts with the images for your communities. (I've some samples of A4 printouts and coloring sheets in the gumroad that you can share with them here.)
If my translation is accepted, can I publish it in my country's national or regional newspaper?
I am unable to vet the translation in a different language, and can only rely on the volunteers to keep to their word and find a translator or someone with a medical background to verify the translation. Hence, there is no approval process from my side.
Yes, publish in the newspaper, as long as you credit me as the creator and yourselves as the translators.
Translators are allowed to put their names, websites, social media accounts in the credits page at the end of the comic, but not their logos, if you are translating the hand sanitiser or hand washing comics.
Please inform me if you have published a comic in the news, and send me the name of the paper, the country, and a link or picture of it.
Can you send the files in .cdr format? Do I need to use Photoshop, or can I use GIMP or other tools for image editing?
You don't need to use photoshop. That's why we've included the powerpoint version for some of the files. You can also use the image files included.
Make a decision based on your community's need. If it is very urgent, please go ahead and translate using whichever software you have.